Heartfelt Life

Learning to live life with energy and gusto. Always live for today and think before I act.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Missing Them

Well it's official folks. Bethany, Damien, and the little munchkin are moving to Connecticut. I am so happy for them and so sad for me. I'm really attached to that little man. I guess a great deal more than I thought I would be. I didn't realize how strongly I had created the visions of playing with him in the park and stopping by in the afternoons to see how he is. I wanted to go for walks in the park and just day-to-day stuff. So I'm sad. I think I subconciously adopted him into my heart as the child I will never have. So Bethany, Damien.. take good care of that wonderful, sweet little bundle of joy you have. I know you will do wonderfully. I will still visit him and expect huge, huge, huge, amounts of photos, but it's not the same.
On the flip side, I'm very excited for them. It's scary, but their is a freshness and newness that comes with truly starting over and moving somewhere unknown. It makes a person feel strong, confident, and secure, that they can handle anything. Learning about a new place and how things works is frustrating and yet terrifically interesting. Diego will have Fantastic! schools and with New York so close by he will get to experience a life that he would have never known here in Mi. He will have more friends and see more people like him, (not some goofy cookie-cutter false reality that the world is white). While I cry for my own sadness I jump for joy at the thoughts of all the wonderful things he'll do, places he'll see, people he'll meet, culture he'll encounter.
So, to Bethany and Damien I say GO! Live large! Be the Amazing Parents I know you are and run with that little boy. Show him the world the way you two see it, with open eyes and open arms, always willing to try something new. In the end you will all be a happier family for it and will have lived a life of wonder.
Bethany wrote in one of her early blogs that she and Damien had eaten food on sticks they couldn't even name. I hope some day Diego will have lived with the same vitality and can say the same thing to his kids.
I wish them all the best in the world, and I warn them.... I do visit, often and randomly :)
My biggest hugs and best love to them all.
Auntie Julie