Heartfelt Life

Learning to live life with energy and gusto. Always live for today and think before I act.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Fired President Bush!

Hello all,
Since my last posting life has been going well. I am working more and had a fantastic interview with Basis (Bay Area Social Intervention Services). I spent the entirety of Wednesday afternoon working there.

Today (Thursday April 13, 2006) I am sitting in the house with husband and we have been talking politics. We figured we are going to make a call to people to spread the word that as paying American Citizens, we do not want to pay George W. Bush for his services since we are displeased with his performance at work. To that end we are demanding the portion of our taxes that help to pay his salary be returned to us in full.

We are unsure where or how we will make this call to the general public, stay tuned in here for more information. In the meantime, please pass the message on to others. Thank you.

Monday, April 10, 2006

"Blokes" and other recent funnies

Well in the past couple of weeks my life has started to turn itself around. I have had more energy, I think I'm getting a handle on the water retention problem and I've started getting out and LIVING life instead of watching life.

Two weeks ago Christy and I went to Muskegon to the art museum and saw a fabulous display of work by Robert Blake (I think). He molds glass into usual shapes like Nuts, Bolts, Silverware, stuff like that only they are bigger than people. It was fascinating. They also had a section of the museum set aside for a grouping of self portraits. They were not traditional self portraits, the artist could use anything they wanted to represent themselves. They had multi-media pieces, abstract art, I could go on and on. It was fantastic! I was completely moved by this exhibit.

On our way back we discovered that the police taped section we had seen earlier was actually a murder investigation. We didn't slow down to gawk, but that definitely turned our heads figuratively.

Then we stopped at Outback Restaurant for dinner and I mistook "Blokes" and walked into the men's bathroom. There was no one in there and for a moment I was very confused as to what was hanging on the wall (urinals). At that realization I quickly left and was more embarassed than ever in my life.

I have gotten a new job, been driving all around Bay City, I have an interview with The Bay Area AIDS Support Information Services on Wednesday to start back volunteering in the HIV/AIDS community again. I'm really enjoying all of this and I hope it continues. WOO HOO!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Easter Egg Decorating Party

Well it's Sunday now and the party was yesterday. It went much better than I had even imagined. I am quite pleased. We had a blast. There were tons of eggs for everyone to decorate so there was time to try a bit of everything and do anything they wanted. Larissa, Chris and Alex got along fine. Larissa stayed on her end of the table for the most part because you know boys have COOTIES. Christy was a good Aunt and made sure that she sprayed the boys down with Invisible Cootie spray so they were o.k. (Larissa later informed us that "Invisible" cootie spray didn't really exist. DUH! Sometimes we adults just don't get it. I mean REALLY!)

We had a large lunch and did a great deal of laughing and the kids bounced inside and out to shake off all the sitting. They really did wonderfully. Alex made some interesting colors, Chris was very serious and dilligent he was a man on a mission, I have to say though that I think Larissa was the most creative. She did a little bit of everything.

I think the adults had fun as well. My sister Debra said that she hadn't colored eggs in forever because she didn't have children. Christy and I looked at her and said "that's when you borrow them and then can send them home". We all got a good laugh. My mom and Christy's mom seemed to enjoy coloring them and just talking with everyone. Christy's dad checked out about 4 of our chairs (he had to make sure they were fit for sittin'). He checked out the sleeping capability of two of them and deemed them o.k. hehe. He spent some time with us all at the table and got to "catch up on all his gossip, listen to the hens cluck, etc." He seemed to have fun even though he didn't color any eggs. It was a great time and wonderful memories. I will publish pictures later.

Looks like we might do this again next year.!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Making a Living

I'm very very excited. I have found a job that pays well and I make my own hours! This could truly be what I have been looking for for so so many years. The pay is good and that makes me happy. I also get to set up my own business and handle all my own taxes and be my own boss. Essentially I will be a self made woman. I can't begin to explain how I'm looking forward to the future. I do a great deal of work in Bay City and they have an AIDS organization there so I think I'm going to coordinate my work with doing some volunteering there. THAT REALLY MAKES ME EXCITED! I feel like for the first time in a very long time that my life may truly be headed down a path that I can work with and stay on-top of life for the long haul. If I can make this work than other more lofty and far reaching goals may just be in my grasp. If I could do a back handspring right now I would!

It doesn't say a great deal, but the link to the company I'm working for is www.sunlarkresearch.com check it out if you feel so inclined

Talk to you later.